Veronica Cabrera-Moreno “Roni”

I am a painter, creative educator and community leader. I reside in Eastex Jensen Houston with my husband and four sons. My journey in art began when I was a little girl, falling asleep at my fathers’ side as he expressed his creativity. Years after his passing I drew something in his honor. It was received well by my friends and teachers which inspired me to continue drawing. Art continued to play a role in my every day, but I had to wait for my boys to mature to pursue art as a profession. I approach my paintings with civic engagement in mind. This led to a nomination for the Mayor’s “Arts in the Community Award” for 2020. I have had several articles written about my work and launched, “HTX ART”. When I am not painting, teaching, coordinating art events or volunteering, my family and I can be found exploring new parks and appreciating nature.